How to Create a Humans Validator
This guide focuses on how to create a validator on the Humans Friction Testnet.
You can find all the details around the Incentivized Friction Testnet on their dedicated Testnet Website.
You can also find the official guides on github.
You will need to do the following steps:
- Provision a server
- Install ‘go’
- Install the Humans binary
- Sync your node
- Register the validator
Provision a Server
We are using Ubuntu OS for this guide. We recommend a server with the following specs:
- CPU: 4 cores or more
- RAM: 8 GB or more
- Storage: 150 GB or more
- Network: A stable and reliable internet connection
It is fine to use bare metal servers or Virtual Private Server
Install GO
The ‘go’ installed must have a version later than 1.20.1.
sudo tar -xvf go1.20.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local
cat <<EOF>> ~/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
source ~/.profile
Install Humans Binary
Download and build the binary
git clone
cd humans && git checkout tags/v0.1.0
make install
Initialize. Replace ‘examplevalidator’ with your own.
humansd init examplevalidator - chain-id=humans_3000–1
Create a wallet, remember to save the keys in a safe place
humansd keys add examplevalidator-key
Fund your wallet with some coins. There is a faucet in the Humans discord group.
Sync Your Node
Run your validator as systemd process that can restart if it fails.
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/humans.service > /dev/null <<'EOF'
Description=humans daemon
ExecStart=/home/humans/go/bin/humansd start --metrics --pruning=nothing --evm.tracer=json --minimum-gas-prices=1800000000aheart json-rpc.api eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3,miner --api.enable
You can now start the systemd service you defined above
sudo service humans start
You can view the logs as needed
journalctl -f -u humans.service
As long as you see the height incrementing you are doing great. Your node will need to sync and reach the blockchains highest height
Register the Validator
Once you have some coins that you got from the faucet in previous steps, you can now create your validator
humansd tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000000000000000aheart \
--pubkey=$(humansd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="examplevalidator" \
--chain-id=humans_3000–1 \
--commission-rate="0.05" \
--commission-max-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1000000" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-prices="1800000000aheart" \
you should be all good and can now visit the Humans Explorer and ensure you are signing blocks.
About Staking4All
Staking4All provides non-custodial delegation services to Proof-of-Stake public blockchains. We enable cryptocurrency holders to take part in decentralized governance while holding onto and earning interest from their cryptocurrencies.
We are an experienced staking service provider for blockchain projects. Join our community today and earn rewards for helping secure networks.
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